How To Lessen Post-Vacation Blues

Aug 01, 2021

That nostalgic feeling of sand between your toes, a tan slowly fading, everyone has felt it before — the post-vacation blues. You just got back home from the trip of your dreams, or even just a weekend getaway with your friends that turned out better than you thought, and suddenly you can’t shake the feeling of wanting to turn back time (que Cher song). The team at TVL is all too familiar with this feeling as we too have dealt with, and overcome, some serious cases of the PVB. Read more for our tried and true tips for getting through the blues below!

Be Grateful.  

It’s likely you have heard this many times in life, but that does not make it any less true. In this sense, expressing gratitude for the ability to take time off for the vacation, and the memories made is something to be grateful for. By reminding yourself of this, you are inherently ‘bringing yourself back down to Earth’ and being able to refocus your attention on the present, rather than the past. A valuable tip for people just in general is to try focusing on living more in the present as opposed to the past or even looking toward the future. Typically, we experience anxiety and stress when we dwell on the past, or when we ponder on what may or may not happen in the future. Living in the present encourages us to be grateful for what we have and where we are, and to be more mindful. 



Recreate the Memories 

There is no shame in trying to recreate fond memories at home. Whether it's cooking a meal inspired by the cuisine from your previous travels or decor brought back from your favourite destination.


Some of our favorite ways to recreate the memories of our vacations while at home are:

  •  Indulge in your favourite recipes from the destination of your previous travels
  • Decorate your space with items similar to where you vacationed (or that you brought back with you) 
  • Wear your favourite vacation clothes while you WFH 
  • Look back on photos from your vacations and put together scrapbooks
  • Listen to music you heard while vacationing
  • Recreate similar smells from while you were travelling



Plan Your Next Getaway 

Distracting yourself from the post-vacation blues can definitely be cured by looking forward to your next vacation! Of course, with COVID things are quick to change, but who says you can’t plan for the future and adapt as necessary? Researching hotels or airbnbs, flight costs (roughly), touristy things to do, and more, so that you are prepared financially for your next getaway definitely helps a ton of us get through the tough times. Another tip? Keep updated with our social media for Travel Tuesdays where we feature a new destination each week and highlight some must-see places for that destination!

Out Of Office 

For all of you keeping up with TVL (sorry Kardashians), you will be familiar with the team by now — or at least most of them, and the stellar work they do for TVL and CVA, not to mention all of our clients and behind the scenes work. To recharge, we will be ‘out of the office’ AKA taking the August long weekend off (July 30 - Aug. 2). We appreciate all of you for being loyal to our brands and can not wait for this very needed, yet much deserved break! We’ll see you all in August!  


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us using the forum on our website. If you are new to TVL, make sure you are following us on social media to stay updated on new VA Course dates, tips and tricks, lifestyle and travel content and more. 

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