Top Reasons Why VA Work Is Better Than Your Typical 9-5

Jul 25, 2021

As a VA, you are not being forced to leave the traditional working world; however, a fair warning to anyone thinking about taking the TVL VA Course — once you start this lifestyle, you won’t be able to stop. The freedom to travel, work when you want, expand your creativity, and explore your interests and passions is addictive. More importantly, once you become a VA you begin to dive into newfound strengths and grow as an individual. Being a VA can grant many benefits over traditional careers in the working world — from scheduling freedom to creativity, we’ve laid out the top perks right here for you.


As opposed to your typical office job, or WFH 9-5 (thank you COVID), being a VA allows you to create your own work schedule. This is optimal for anyone looking to travel, balance another career, or family life at the same time. Having the freedom to work whatever hours and days you choose is a great way to create your ideal lifestyle and to ease your way into the business as well. 

Being Your Own Boss

TVL/CVA is one of North America’s top VA agencies in that we provide our VAs with scheduling freedom, exciting projects and the ability to grow within the agency while still expressing themselves as VAs. As a VA you have the opportunity to choose whether or not you want to join an agency such as CVA/TVL or build your own independent VA brand. Of course, depending on what agency you choose to work for, your lifestyle, and more factors like this, there are pros and cons to the choice you make.

We have laid out the details below of each:

Working for yourself

  • You have the freedom to create your own schedule and work from wherever you desire
  • You can choose which projects and clients you want to take on
  • You are able to have a say in how you market yourself on social media and other platforms
  • You can choose who you work with (your team; if you take on assistance) 
  • It is up to you to deal with difficult situations (i.e. unpaid invoices or contract terminations)


Working for an agency (depending on which agency you work for, factors could vary)

  • Healthcare and/or dental benefits
  • Consistent salary/wages
  • Not being able to plan your work schedule
  • Having to work from an office (could be a pro or con depending on the type of person you are)
  • Already having an established clientele
  • No control over how your work is being marketed


Save Time and Money

Assuming you work from home as a VA, you will save tons of money on the commute to and from work daily. To add to this, you will also save on small add-ons such as Starbucks runs. 

In a society where it seems like we are constantly running out of time, finding ways to save time are essential. If you WFH, you save a bunch of time and money by being able to eat lunches at home, as opposed to going out for lunch or spending time packing lunches for work. 


Work Attire

If you WFH, guaranteed you have taken advantage of the ‘business on the top, sweatpants on the bottom’ look and to be honest, we can’t judge here. Those 8 a.m. zoom calls get everyone, but being a VA allows you to spend less money on your typical ‘work attire’ and more on, well, whatever else you please. Of course, we still recommend getting dressed for each day, as it boosts your productivity (refer to our blog on creating a work-life balance while working from home). However, anything to save more money to put towards that next trip to Bali or Australia, count us in! 


Choose Your Clients

Being able to be your own boss grants you the opportunity to choose who you want to work with and which projects you want to take on. This differs from most jobs in that typically you do not get the option of choosing your projects, clients, or even field right away. As a VA, this creative freedom allows you to expand your skills and network, however, it is important to occasionally step out of your comfort zone and try new things to grow as a VA as well. 


For example, if you typically take on wellness brands, try aiming for a clothing brand. This will not only grow your network and portfolio, but help you gain new skills and possibly discover new strengths you never knew you had before.


If you have any questions about TVL or our VA course, feel free to contact us using the forum on our website. Also, be sure to stay updated with our social media, where we post information about new course dates, VA tips and tricks, lifestyle and travel content, and so much more! 

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